Critical Minerals Feedback

I teamed up with Mojan Sohi and Jason Currie to provide feedback for British Columbia’s critical mineral strategy.

We identified the following key areas policy should address:

  • Research and Innovation: Investment in research areas, like modular processing plants, automation, and reclamation, is crucial for economic growth and talent attraction.

  • Connectivity: Fast internet is vital for remote mining communities, improving social inclusion, services, and operational efficiency.

  • Infrastructure and Transport: High-quality infrastructure supports efficient logistics, integrating rural communities with the region.

  • Benefit Distribution: Mining benefits should reach local communities and mining-adjacent sectors for the whole province.

  • Workforce and Immigration: Incentives, partnerships, and skilled immigrant integration are essential for a skilled labor force.

  • Inclusivity and Transparency: Inclusive development and supply chain transparency are vital for success.

  • Mine Permitting: Current regulations treat small-scale and large-scale mining operations equally, creating a disproportionate burden for small players.

You can read the full text here.

Written on November 7, 2023